What the #Hashtag?
Hashtags are made from a word or phrase that acts as a type of metadata tag. Users who post blogs and social media content can use these types of ‘tags’ to give the post a theme or category, and help make their posts more searchable online. In the same way as metadata on websites, the hashtag is read by bots and can therefore play an important role in making a post rank higher in SEO. Twitter was one of the first social media platforms that adopted the use of hashtags. In Twitter, I can use hashtags to denote specific topics of conversation. I can search for hashtags and see every tweet associated with that same hashtag. I can choose to adopt relevant hashtags that are already being circulated, jump on the back of popular trending ones, or choose to create my own hashtags. I can also use multiple tags in one tweet to have a further reach. As well as using tags to organise my posts, I can also use them to create brand voice. It can be used to give context or convey emotion...