Leicester College YouTube Channel Project - Meeting the Client

Anton and I arranged a meeting with Wajeeda, who is the Social Media Marketing Manager at Leicester College, to discuss our research and creative ideas for YouTube content, and get some feedback.

Wajeeda, was very interested in my ideas and asked me to send them over to her by email. She also had some of her own ideas which she asked us to look into. The first was to film the popular social media #MannequinChallenge. Anton took the lead on this, and we were able to get our BAPSCI class to take part. Anton did a great job with the filming but was a little slow on the editing and I had to chase him to get it across to the client.

The other challenge she asked us to look into was the #BeanBoozledChallenge. I managed to film a group of students who agreed to take part, however the results weren’t as fun or interesting, and due to the lack of enthusiasm of other students taking part, we decided to shelve that particular project.
