The Importance of Digital Marketing

I have learned that it is vital to have an effective digital marketing strategy in order for my business to succeed, with around 80% of consumers being more inclined to buy more often because of brand's presence on social media, according to

We explored how technology and communication was used to connect with consumers in the past. These included direct mail, telecommunication, and fax. We then took a look at the latest digital innovations such as wifi, the cloud, smart TVs, and social media platforms.

I gained an understanding that the way we communicate changes and develops depending on the advancements in technology. This makes it a very exciting prospect to learn about future technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality, and think about how they can be used as communication tools.

I learned that the average person uses their phone over 3 hours a day. 4 billion videos are watched per day, and 62 million hours are spent on social media sites (UK). This is a clear indicator that being active digitally as a business is vitally important if I want to help my business grow and develop.
