Facebook for Small Businesses
Facebook has over 1.86 billion active users which is great for freelancers and small businesses like myself, because it offers a low cost way of connecting with potential clients and building brand relationships. I have learnt that a good profile page can help to market directly to customers that are most interested in my products and services, and connect with them in an authentic way. These include posting comments, updates, call to actions, images and videos. The latest feature that Facebook has added is Live Video. Users love to watch live videos because they are interactive and allow users to respond and comment. I can view all incoming comments and respond to them live as the video is being broadcasted. As users watch, the live video shows up in their newsfeed. This means that friends of those users can also see the live feed, thus widening the pool of potential viewers. I have learnt that adding a call to action at the end of the live stream can help to direct users t...